中華文化源遠流長,有美麗的山河,有特色美食,有不同的節氣,也有歷史文化遺產等。小朋友可以透過「中華文化之旅」桌上遊戲,收集不同顏色的「中華文化」歡樂卡,掃描歡樂卡上的二維碼(QR Codes) ,聆聽以三語(粵語、普通話及英語)錄製有關食物、建築、樂器、藝術和四大發明的中華文化知識。最快完成「中華文化之旅」或取得最高分數的玩家勝出。
Chinese culture has a long and rich history, featuring beautiful landscapes, distinctive cuisine, various traditional festivals, numerous historical and cultural heritage sites. Children can learn more about Chinese culture through playing "Tour of Chinese Culture" Board Game. Players collect different coloured Joy Cards, scan the QR Codes on the cards and listen to the trilingual audios in order to gain knowledge of 'Food', 'Architecture', 'Musical Instruments', 'Art' and 'The Four Big Inventions' of China. The first player completes the Tour of Chinese Culture or gets the highest score wins the Game.